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12 x 17 cms

3 hablas, hablan:

At 29 jul 2007, 20:41:00 hablasballena said...

hey! mi primer Illustration Friday.
Bueno, si no conocen la web entren http://illustrationfriday.com
ellos ponen un tópico por semana y la gente ilustra.
A los que no saludé, Bienvenidos! Wellcome! Benvenui! Bemvindo! Buenax (esto es "ballena", de a poco vamos a ir descubriendo palabras jaja)

At 30 jul 2007, 1:26:00 atomicvelvetsigh said...

ohh i didnt get it at first.. until i saw the alien's antennae! brilliant! this is the first i saw for this week that depics the moon from being "on" the moon, looking down on earth and not the other way around.

At 31 jul 2007, 9:36:00 Unknown said...



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